[Voordelige t-tag tarieven voor abonnees]
[omschrijving ttag] www.movenience.nl
[Er zijn geen actuele tarieven gevonden.]
[omschrijving ttag] www.movenience.nl
[Abonnees die vaker dan 150 keer per jaar met hun t-tag door de Westerscheldetunnel rijden, krijgen een veelgebruikerskorting. De veelgebruikerskorting betekent nog eens 20% extra korting op het t-tag tarief.]
Regular customers of the Westerschelde Tunnel can use a t-tag: an electronic device with which the toll fee is automatically debited. For a t-tag subscription go to www.movenience.com.
t-tag holders who travel more than 150 times per calendar year through the Westerschelde Tunnel, receive a frequent user discount. The discount goes into effect after the 150th transit per t-tag per year. The frequent user discount on average is 20% of the t-tag rate and applies to all categories.
For example, Liz drives through the tunnel for the 151st time with her car and the same T-tag. The regular Category 1 T-tag rate is € 3.80. Due to the frequent user discount, Liz from now on only pays € 3.05. The total discount in relation to the regular € 5.00 Category 1 rate is € 1.95.