Mobile app

Get our traffic reports when you need them!
Our free app 'WST Verkeer' keeps you informed about the availability of the Westerschelde Tunnel. And you can choose the time slot for receiving our push notifications.
How does it work?
Depending on the operating system of your phone, go to the App Store (iOS) or to the Google Play Store (Android). They are probably installed on your phone. In the stores you can download the app 'WST Verkeer'.

When opening the app the latest state of the traffic in the tunnel is retrieved. Fot the direction 'Terneuzen' as the direction 'Borssele'. Per direction, like on our website, we communicate about three road sections.

The settings button allows you to set the frequency of our push notifications, per day and then pinpoint moments in time that day.
Note: for accurate information the app needs an Internet connection.

Current traffic information
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